Hello, world! 👋

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 2-minute read

Welcome to my website. I plan to use this space to share articles, guides, and other insights pertaining to data science and Canadian politics. If you are someone who is interested in data and politics, consider checking-in once in a while.

I have two reasons for starting this website. The first is to create a personalized space for my projects to attract clients and collaborators. The second is to encourage me to develop my science communication skills. With the latter, I figure that by creating this website I’ll be more likely to write about what I am working on and thus avoid condemning my projects to the darkest recesses of my computer’s memory.

What to Expect

My background is in political science and political psychology. You can, therefore, expect articles about politics and data to be written from a behavioral perspective.

I have a few ideas for the kinds of articles that I want to write. Of course, time will only tell how I decide to use this space. For now, my plan is to write blogs about the following types of content:

  • R Guides for data collection and analysis. (The way things are going I may add Python and other languages).

  • Links to data sets I’m working on or maintaining.

  • Articles relevant to political psychology and science communication.

  • Information relevant to Canadian politics nerds.


I want this space to be relevant to anyone interested in social science and data. To that end, my goal will be to focus on practical information rather than opinionated ramblings. I hope you will join me!